Virtual Exercise Therapy System (VETS)

VETS is an exergames platform suitable for geriatric wellness, frailty screening and physical rehabilitation. The platform consists of exercises and games that can be played by patients or anyone who wants to exercise.

The settings for the exercises and games can be personalised for each individual user in terms of the duration and number of reps. VETS has been used by seniors as well as young adults. Children would also enjoy the games available in VETS. VETS has been incorporated in multiple studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Wearables Gaming Gloves

•Kinect Users can engage in VETS using the Kinect device, which could be plugged into a TV set or a projector and a computing device (preferably a gaming laptop or PC). The Kinect device detects users’ motions as they play the VETS games. •Tablet Users can opt to play with the VETS using a tablet, which, with its internal camera, can detect the users’ motion, mimicking the Kinect device. Users can also use wearable gaming gloves to detect users’ motion as they interact with the games. •Virtual Reality (VR) headsets Several VETS games have been built in the VR environment to provide a more immersive experience for users.

Wearables Gaming Gloves

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